Our Success from Our Core Principles.Values.Standards.
Our values are formulated to compel the people within our company. As consultants, developers and engineers, working in separate organizations, each with differing organizational cultures, our shared values become ever more important. These values are not simply words or slogans, the values of Lulius Innovation are designed to help our employees internalize a shared quality.
We maintain four niche specialties:
Application and Technology Implementation: We have helped several clients design and develop software applications to meet specific requirements. By keeping apprised of the ever-changing web framework(s), our developers have earned a great reputation within the Federal IT space. In addition, our team are often asked to assist in the implementation and operations of our customer’s IT enterprise. We have successful past performance in systems integration and data center operations.
Information Technology Risk Management: Risk management is one of the most underutilized processes in the Federal government information technology field. Viewed mostly as “too expensive”, most CxOs tend to only have basic plans for the eventuality of data loss. Our consultants can provide leadership with actionable plans for their most critical data and IT operations infrastructure. We have tremendous experience with protecting the Nation’s most critical data.
Information Security Auditing: Every Federal government agency is required to undergo a FISMA or Command Cyber Readiness Inspections (CCRI) audit annually. The regulatory process can be daunting. Our consultants are experts at keeping abreast of the changes within NIST and OMB’s ever-changing requirements. We focus primarily on helping our clients meet the audit provisions while working on creating or maintaining a strong data protection program.
Information Technology Design and Strategy: We understand how technology can often be a solution in search of a problem. With a staff of several former Federal CIOs, engineers, and some of the industry’s most well-known application specialists, we can assist the leadership’s business goals with recommended technological improvements that prove increased capability and cost savings.
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