Board Member
BG J. Ray Davis not only serves on the Lulius Innovation Board, he is the current Vice President Business Development – Land for Roll-Royce, BG Ray Davis retired from the National Guard in January 2021 where he served for more than 32 years.
His previous assignment was ARNG Assistant Director for Aviation and Safety where he was charged to ensure the ARNG Aviation is manned, trained, equipped, and resourced to respond to operational requirements in support of Overseas Contingency Operations and Homeland Defense. He served as the principal advisor to the Director and Deputy Director of the ARNG and the Adjutants General for aviation and safety matters. In addition to his previous role as Director for Aviation and Safety, other assignments include ARNG Aviation and Safety Division Chief, J3, Director of Military Support (DOMS) for the South Carolina National Guard, and Deputy Commander for the 59th Aviation Troop Command. BG Davis spent more than 17 years as part of the 1-151st Attack Reconnaissance Battalion (ARB) where he served in various positions of increasing responsibility beginning as a Platoon Leader, then Company Commander, S3, Executive Officer, and Battalion Commander.
He commanded the 1-151st ARB for 44 months and led his unit through the AH64D Unit Fielding and Training Program. He has deployed in support of Operations Southern Watch (Kuwait), Iraqi Freedom and New Dawn. His combat experience includes serving as 1-151st ARB S3 (2004-05) and Battalion Commander (2011). Upon completion of Operation New Dawn, his unit was charged to initiate the Army’s AH-64D overwater operations and deck landing qualification program in Kuwait.
BG Davis is a Master Army Aviator with more than 2400 flight hours with 480 flown in combat. BG Davis is native of Georgetown, SC, holds a baccalaureate degree in Business from Coker College and is a graduate of the U.S. Army War College where he earned a Master of Arts in Strategic Studies. Upon graduation from Palmetto Military Academy in 1992, he was commissioned a 2nd Lieutenant and assigned to the 4-178th Field Artillery. BG Davis continued his military career as an Artilleryman until becoming an Army Aviator in 1995.